Why You Should Not Quote the Bible

If you’ve lived anywhere near the Bible belt, chances are people quoting the Bible is an everyday occurrence. I once knew a lady who signed her name and then wrote an entire Bible verse every time she withdrew money from the bank. In especially the Baptist Church, it is expected for the congregation to memorizeContinue reading “Why You Should Not Quote the Bible”

The Argument of Elitist Cosplay

Anytime you get a niche subject of anything, you’re likely to get elitists who think only certain things should qualify. You see this quite frequently with western Otakus who claim any manga not written by a Japanese person is not actually a manga. And yet, Japanese manga artists, themselves, simply say “manga simply means comic,”Continue reading “The Argument of Elitist Cosplay”

Achievements Forgotten

I recently watched an influencer do a whole piece about how Generation-Z was the most impressive generation. While, that’s a fine view (given that they’re finding their way in adulthood), I thought I’d put together a piece of my own to highlight all the forgotten achievements of past generations, as well as some of theirContinue reading “Achievements Forgotten”

Why I prefer the Northern Bluntness to Southern Hospitality

I want to start this by saying I’ve lived in the South a long, long, loooong time. Way too long in my opinion. And not just one place in the South. No, I’ve lived in cities and small towns all over the South from Tennessee and Georgia to Oklahoma. I’ve lived and visited the NorthContinue reading “Why I prefer the Northern Bluntness to Southern Hospitality”

Why The State of Georgia Has Some of The Worst Workers Rights Laws In The U.S.

Georgia is a pretty state. Full of great vegetation, beaches, mountains, and lush evergreens. But every state has at least a few bad apples on the tree. While there are some things Georgia does right, like the HERO roadside assistance program in Atlanta, there is also an incredibly dark side to the state. Georgia hasContinue reading “Why The State of Georgia Has Some of The Worst Workers Rights Laws In The U.S.”

Star Trek by timeline

As we welcome a whole new generation into the fanbase of Star Trek with new ideas and new leases on old ships and Captains, there has been a lot of talk about what the correct order is to watch all the Star Trek series in. If you’re new to the franchise, it’s overwhelming, and honestly,Continue reading “Star Trek by timeline”

What Makes Student Loans So Malicious

Student Loan forgiveness is a hot topic at the moment. Some people are all for it, and some are definitely against it. The most common arguments against being that people shouldn’t borrow if they don’t intend to pay, and you should always pay your debts. But having been on the teller line of a financialContinue reading “What Makes Student Loans So Malicious”

Which is the Right Bank

So a little about me and this article before you get started. I was a bank teller at a Mid-sized bank in Oklahoma for five years (I left in the middle of 2021). Among that time I was a teller supervisor for two years. Over the years I have been a customer at many differentContinue reading “Which is the Right Bank”

The History of Star Trek Captains & The Potential of Capt. Christopher Pike

This article may contain spoilers for the following series: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Discovery, & Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. As Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is only a few episodes in at this point, it’s strange to think that so many people haveContinue reading “The History of Star Trek Captains & The Potential of Capt. Christopher Pike”

Constructive Feedback 101

I’ve noticed lately that there’s an epidemic of people, especially writers who ask for feedback and instead get what I like to call a “flame review.” Aka, ripping the work and the author’s ego to shreds. This could not be more unproductive to everyone involved. So, given that I have a four year background inContinue reading “Constructive Feedback 101”